Opting out of advertising-influence culture

Opting out of advertising-influence culture

I have never been good at socializing, making small talk, finding an opening to speak. I make things. I have a lot to share. For as much of it that isn’t good there’s just as much that many would find enjoyable. Those are the people I’ve always hoped to reach.

Now, as I feel I’ve aged out of that period of life when I could really consider myself young, I’ve decided to stop chasing recognition. I’m opting out of the advertiser-centric internet. I don’t want to be a part of the intrusive, brain rotting billboard that the web has become. For as much talk as there is about the death of the monoculture it sure seems like influence campaigns still work better than ever on a mass scale. I’d even go as far as to say the monoculture is alive and well just hidden from view as we all take in our personalized messages that direct us to do different things which achieve the same aim for those influencer.

I’ll still make the odd post about when a new record releases and all that but I’m choosing to stop participating in the brain rot of corporate web culture. You can find me here, on this website and I’ll look for you on yours. You can email me or DM me. Just don’t expect to me see or interact with your posts anymore. I’ve been offline for a while now and it’s been easy and less stressful to be honest.

The world is hungry for people to create real things, for interactions that aren’t mediated by globally dominating corporations. This space and the physical object I release for sale in conjunction with my art are my attempt to try to put that sort of thing out there.

So goodbye twitter and the rest. I’ll see you next when there’s a release or project to let you know about and at no other time.