Releasing imperfectly

Releasing imperfectly

Releasing imperfectly

It’s coming up on one year since I started working on my first EP as Moss and, if I recall correctly, I promised to stop making promises regarding when it will release.

Right now I have three songs that are totally finished and only need mixing and mastering before a release. I’m not super happy with large portions of them but that’s not uncommon. No artist is ever happy with their finished work and is why a lot of great art is never released.

Can’t remember what I wrote

I could easily go in and re-record the parts I’m not happy with but I can’t remember how to play the songs I wrote and have to relearn them to an extent. I’ll likely go through and fix up things if it’s easy enough but otherwise my plan is to put out the songs I have as an EP and then move on to the new songs I’m working on.

Version 2

Ideally I would like to re-record the songs from the EP and release them with the new songs to make one long LP. Not to pad the record but simply to put out a version of the songs that are closer to my original vision.

Already onto the next thing

Growing Moss is the old record in my mind despite it not being out yet. Right now I’m focusing on a collection of songs I’m calling Ghosts of the Living (for now).

I don’t want to go another year without putting out a record. I’m really starting to feel some motivation to get some recording done after a long winter of not making music at all so hopefully it’ll happen soon. In the meantime, just know I’m still here. Still working. Just doing it quietly until it’s time to promote new stuff.