Teenage Engineering: Just Vibes

Teenage Engineering: Just Vibes

I own most TE gear. I’ve gotten a lot of use out of that gear on the last four records I released as The Darph but lately not as much. It’s got me thinking about why I bought such expensive musical toys. What is their real value?

Mostly vibes

I’ve come to the conclusion that what you’re paying for is mostly vibes and that’s alright.

The design of TE gear is beautiful. Sometimes the build quality is nice too! The design of these products is something that makes you want to sit with them and make some music. Not only that but they make gear that appeals to more than just beat producers. As a guitarist/singer-songwriter I love seeing how I can fit those sounds into a mix especially seeing as how I haven’t haven’t had a live drum kit in the studio since I was 17.


The workflow on these toys is crazy. I’m not going to pretend like it’s straightforward because it isn’t. Just enough is obvious to you that you can do some simple things but most of the really fun stuff his hidden within menus within strange combinations of keys which you just have to memorize. Luckily most of their products are exactly the same guts shoved into a different chassis with a different color so knowing one lets you transfer that knowledge.

But in all seriousness, the workflow can get you out of your head and break a creative block sometimes. Just last night I decided to unplug my TX-6 from its station on my desk and place it on the floor along with some other portables and an iPad. That change - and that ability to change things so easily - broke me out of a rut. No, I didn’t write a new song but I did focus on making music and tried some ideas out for once.


My gut tells me that TE is overpriced but then again I also can’t afford to make as many sounds as easily with so few devices at this price point so maybe they’re not. Maybe it depends on who you are and how you work. I’m not zoomer who makes beats. I’m the elder generation redacted grunge/folk rock/ singer songwriter dude who sprinkles in some experimental sounds where it makes sense.

So that is my take on TE. It’s mostly vibes. That’s okay. You buy what you like. Let’s all just be honest about what we like and why.

By the way, I might never release music ever again because I just can’t seem to finish a single song. I got three in the pipeline right now but life just loves to throw health issues my way and whatever else it decides is my burden to bear. The goal was to finish and release this summer. I haven’t given up on that goal but I’m not going to pretend like that’s realistic. Perhaps I can put out a single or two if I don’t make it all the way then the full length can come out next summer.

Or I could finish mixing that first EP I did finish and put that out first.