Track 2 has a backbone you can listen to

Track 2 has a backbone you can listen to
"The Panda Cult" by the artist known as Moss

I've made progress into the new album, Ghosts of the Living. I spent last week finishing the arrangement and week prior writing. This week I've been recording and so far I have a decent backbone consisting of 3 acoustic guitar tracks, a xylophone track, vocals, backing vocals, and a third track of sort of messed up vocals that comes in only during the bridge.

2 The New Rush 202408019 Bare

This version is different than what I posted yesterday as it ditches the scratch track I was using for drums and the vocals have a bit more beef to them now that they're double tracked.

I'm not very happy with the vocals. I'm not a good singer and it's even worse when singing without confidence so that may need to be a whole day or two spent on just recording new vocals but for now we have a backbone.

The next thing to add is going to be a very simple drum or percussion part. I'm thinking of something soft with a kick on each measure and soft eighth note hits on a hi-hat or something. I'll almost definitely be sampled and electronic.

There's a little guitar fill after each line of the chorus I'll be getting the Jazzmaster out for and then a simple bass line will be all that's needed before I go onto mixing. If I'm consistent this can be done within a week. I'd like to get this LP out before the end of fall. I've been sitting on the previous EP since last summer so that should go out soon too.

As always, no promises. It'll go out when it's ready. I'm not committing to any dates until I'm ready to stick to my commitments.