Where am I

Where am I

I find it difficult to do anything this past year. In August of last year I began work on my first EP as Midori Moss. I finished those songs but never released the album. I’m pretty sure they’re all recorded and just need to be mixed. This summer I began recording my first full length LP, Ghosts of the Living. I have four songs written but not much recorded. In the past year I have finished four out of six of the Dune books but only started recording one or two songs. I’m having a bad time.

Something has me blocked. My mind is wanting to do this but my body tells me not to.

It is good to take a break between releases as an artist, sure. My last release was a Darph record that I put out in 2022 or early 2023. Since then I moved and life has changed a lot. I’ve been working a lot on the house. I tell myself this is the reason I’m so tired.

That said, summer is coming to a close soon. Summer is my time when I am most creative and able to work. The only downside to summer in my new studio is that the air conditioner and fan make it very noisy. I have to keep them on full blast all day so I can be sure it’ll be cool enough at night to turn them off while recording. The upside is that the studio is a separate building the size of a studio apartment where I can be as loud as I like. You take the good with the bad.

I’m not really saying much with this post. Just venting. Once I get started I will have something good to show for it. I suppose I’m writing and publishing this just to let whoever cares know that I’m still working on being creative and so that I can tell myself I’ve done some sort of creative work. Publishing this counts.

Anyway, that’s all for now. My birthday is in a few weeks. Okay, whatever, later.


The Man Who Calls Himself Moss